Looking for other spiritual options?
We have a range of alternative healing services for the mind, body, and soul.
Our Services
A Japanese technique for stress reduction & relaxation that promotes healing. Administered by a gentle touch. Based on the idea that life force energy flows through us & is what causes us to be alive.
Weighted Tuning Fork Therapy
A healing modality that uses sound vibration from tuning forks placed on the body to balance & harmonize the energy field & the body.
Ionic Foot Bath
A therapeutic foot-soaking process that uses negative & positive ions in a bath of water & sea salt to rid the body of toxins/heavy metals through the feet. We have an option to bring a partner to enjoy the experience with you!
Sound Baths
A full-body meditative experience immersing participants with healing vibrations listening to the resonating sound of crystal singing bowls.
Yoga Nidra & Sound Bath - 3/27 @ 7:00pm
Relaxation Sound Bath - Select Wednesdays at 6:30pm

“When you arise in the morning, think of what a precious privilege it is to be alive – to breathe, to think, to enjoy, to love.”